Sandeep Unnikrishnan


Sandeep has been pioneering the revolutionary foil-based 3D battery technology since 2013. He has an engineering background on manufacturing technology (India) & mechatronics (Germany), and later did his PhD on micro structured fuel cells (The Netherlands).

CTO & Co-Founder LionVolt


He has worked in several organizations (ELGI, Cognizant, UT, TNO HolstCentre) in different technical as well as leadership roles.

In 2016, he complemented his technical expertise with business skills by successfully completing an Executive-MBA with honors.

Technology development

Sandeep has built-up more than 17 years’ experience in technology development for multitude of topics including automation, organic & flexible electronics, membranes, fuel-cells as well as batteries, and S2S & R2R manufacturing thereof.


He has filed over 20 patents, authored 17 publications in peer reviewed journals, and several more conference publications.